

Coop Denmark

My japanese food recipes (tonkatsu, onigiri, oyakodon, omu-rice and matcha granita) are Coop Denmark website!




Here is the Link.
It is for the campaign of Japan-Denmark 150 years Anniversary.
I can't read Danish, but I'm very honored to share my Japanese recipe on that website!




If you like smoothie bowl or Chia pudding,  but never have tried Japanese summer dessert Anmitsu, You would like to try this one. It is made of some fruits, AZUKI, SHIRATAMA and KANTEN agar jelly which is  nearly 0kcal and contains 80% fiber! ANMITSU is also good for vegetarian or vegan!!!

If you don't put ice cream, it's just ANMITSU. But If you add ice cream on, We call it Cream ANMITSU.
*Ingredients* 4 servings
4g (=2tsp) KANTEN (agar agar)powder
500ml water
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp matcha powder and 1/2 tsp hot water
3 tbsp water
4 tbsp canned AZUKI (red bean paste)
4 scoops ice cream (matcha or vanilla)
Canned mandarin orange
Canned cherry
KUROMITSU (Black sugar syrup)

1. Place KANTEN powder and water in a saucepan. Whisk and Cook over medium heat, Whisk constantly, Bring to a boil. Add sugar, cook on low heat and whisk about 1 minute. Remove from heat.Pour the half of mixture into square baking dish or jelly mold. Stir together matcha powder and hot water in a small cup until it dissolved. Add MATCHA mixture into remaining KANTEN mixture and whisk together. Pour it into square baking dish/jelly mold. Let cool and Chill in Refrigerate.

2. Make Shiratama next. In a bowl, put in SHIRATAMAKO, and add water gradually until the dough turns as soft as your earlobe.Make 8 small ball with your hands.Press the center of the ball gently with your finger. (Helps to make the center of dumpling cook evenly and easier.) Put dumplings in the boiling water and boil them till they float. Remove the dumpling and cool them in cold water with ice. When it's cooled, drain the dumplings.

3. Cut the KANTEN jelly into small cubes. Arrange in bowls with Shiratama, fruits, AZUKI, and Ice cream. Drizzle with the KUROMITSU if you have.


MOCHI Ice cream

雪見だいふくYUKIMI DAIFUKU) is well known MOCHI ice cream in Japan. And, of course I love it since I was a child.
Who else could think to Mochi and Ice cream are working so good together?
It's almost like Japanese Confection 'Daifuku', but stuffed with vanilla ice cream. It's just so delicious!!!

Since I know how to make Strawberry Daifuku, So why don't I cook Mochi ice cream at home?

It's not so difficult to make, but you need to know Mochi is sticky. And you really need to work really quickly, otherwise the ice cream melts fast and you can't seal the Mochi.
If Mochi is too sticky to handle, Use cornstarch. It would be helpful!
If ice cream starts to melt, just put back the ice cream in the freezer till get hard.
Here is the recipe.

*Ingredients* 6 ro 8 Mochi ice cream

50g Shiratamako (glutinous rice flour)
30g sugar
60ml water
Cornstarch as need
5oz Ice cream of your choice

1. Scoop ice cream with a small cookie scooper(I used 1 tbsp cookie scoop.) on the parchment paper lined cake pan or plate. Keep it in the freezer.

2. Put SHIRATAMAKO and sugar in the microwave safe bowl. Add water and whisk well until SHIRATAMAKO is dissolved.

3. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Microwave for 1 minute at 1000w/ for 2minute at 600w. Stir with a wet spatula. Put plastic wrap back on and Microwave for 1 more minute at 1000w/500w. Stir well, Cover again and Microwave for 30 second at 1000w/500w. Stir until shiny. The color should be translucent.

4. Transfer the Mochi to a generous amount of flour on the work surface. Sprinkle over the top of the Mochi. Roll the Mochi out with cornstarch covered rolling pin about 1/10inch to 1/8inch thick. Applying enough cornstarch as you need to. It should be 8 to 10 circles you get.

5. Cut 3 inch circle with a circular cookie cutter or a cup. Layer on a plate with plastic wrap between each Mochi sheet. Keep in freezer for about 10 minutes.

6. Work with one ice cream at a time! Place a scoop of ice cream in the center of Mochi sheet. Wrap ice cream around with Mochi sheet quickly and pinch to close. Twist the prastic wrap tightly. Put in freezer for 2hours.

7. Before eating, let it sit at room temperature for a few minutes to allow the Mochi to soften.

You can make it with your favorite ice creams. Enjoy!!!


夏至レシピ ラスティックガレット

二十四節気「夏至」に因んだレシピをsizzle blogさんに載せて頂いております。

Raspberry and Blueberry Galette / Curried Zucchini and Tomato Galette recipe.



小満レシピ Green pea falafel

英語のレシピをSIZZLE BLOGにて載せて頂いています。

Green pea falafel / Green pea Tamago tofu recipe.


Tofu Chicken Nuggets 豆腐のチキンナゲット

Chicken nugget is always kid-friendly recipe. (Of course growing up people too!)
But, How nice if I add tofu? And if it makes the nuggets more tender?
I came across this secret ingredient on the Japanese recipe site.
At First, I thought it's just only healthy, not the yummy type of food. Even Chicken Breast and tofu sounds good, I would rather eat the greasy one.
But, I tried to cook chicken nuggets added Tofu. Believe it or not..  It's actually taste great with Tofu.
And, This recipe is a big hit with my family!

Dip! Dip!

How do you think about it? Looks delicious?

I just want to leave this recipe here to keep it. You can try it if you want!!!

**Ingredients** about 18 pieces
Vegetable Oil for frying
100g Firm Tofu
300g (about 10oz) Boneless Chicken Breast
1 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 egg
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1/4 tsp salt
a pinch of garlic powder
a pinch of black pepper

1. Cut Chicken Breast into small pieces.

2. Combine Tofu, Chicken, flour, egg, mayonnaise, salt, garlic powder and pepper well until the texture becomes sticky. (You can add your favorite spice.)

3. Heat 1 inch oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. When the oil is hot, use a spoon to drop the mixture.

4. Pan fry until golden brown on each side.

5. Serve with ketchup or your favorite sauce.


Chocolate Pudding Pie チョコレートプディングパイ



**材料** 15cmのパイ型1台分

牛乳 1カップ
卵黄 1個
ココア(無糖のもの) 大さじ1
コーンスターチ 大さじ2

生クリーム 50ml
砂糖 大さじ1/2
練乳 小さじ1


1. パイ生地を200度で17分〜20分焼いておく。
2. 牛乳を鍋に入れて沸騰直前まで温めておきます。
3. ボウルに卵黄を入れ泡立て器でほぐし、ココア、砂糖、コーンスターチを加えその都度よく混ぜ合わせます。
4. 3のボウルに、温めた牛乳を少しずつ加えながらよく混ぜ、牛乳を沸かしたお鍋に漉しながら戻します。
5. お鍋を弱火から中火にかけ、絶えず木べらで混ぜます。
6. とろみがついたら、焼いておいたパイに流し入れます。粗熱が取れたらラップをして冷蔵庫へ。
7. 生クリームに砂糖と練乳を加え泡立てます。チョコレートプディングパイの上にぽてっとのせ、削ったチョコなどで飾ります。



Meringue Kisses

Skip to English recipe here.




早く使いたい!ってウキウキしていて、ついに、Meringue Kissesを作ってみました。
Meringue Kissesは、Martha Stewartのサイトで見て気になっていたのだけど、メレンゲを焼いたお菓子で、ハーシーズのkissチョコに形が似ていて、ツンとした角がとても可愛いお菓子。Meringue Kissとか、Meringue Kiss Cookietって呼ばれてます。

**材料** 約120個
卵白 二個分
グラニュー糖 大さじ4
バニラエッセンス 2〜3滴
板チョコ(ブラック) 1枚
チョコスプレー お好みで

下準備: オーブンを80度に予熱しておく。天板にオーブンシートを敷いておく。絞り袋の準備をしておく。
1. ボウルに卵白を入れて泡立てます。ある程度泡立ってきたら、少しずつ砂糖を加え、(一度に加えると泡が消えるので注意。)もったりとしてきて、ピンと角が立つまでしっかり泡立てます。バニラエッセンスを加え混ぜます。

2. 絞り袋にメレンゲを入れて、2~3cm位の大きさに絞っていきます。(小さくするとサクっと。大きくすると中がマシュマロみたいになります。)

3. 80度のオーブンで60分ほど焼きます。二段ある場合は、上の段に何ものってない天板。下の段にメレンゲを絞った天板を入れて焼くと、焼き色がつかず綺麗に焼けると思います。
4. 焼けたら、すぐにはオーブンから出さず、濡れた布巾などをドアの間に挟み、少しずつ庫内を冷やしていきます。
5. しっかり冷えたら、そっとオーブンシートから外し、湯煎にかけたチョコを底の部分につけて、カラースプレーをまぶします。チョコが固まったら出来上がり。



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