


I got Heavy cream as monitor prize in Japanese website 'レシピブログ (Recipe Blog)'.
Let me think what I gonna cook...
maybe, a Shrimp creamy pasta?
or scallop croquettes?
I can't help working for the sweets, of course!
How about Bavarian Cake?
hehe! sounds so good to me!
I'm pretty exciting!!!






Food day - Oct 24th.

I still have interested in what american kids are eating.
It seems that getting much better and take a growing interest in school lunch after some healthy food movements for kids. I think that is wonderful!!!
I saw some nice article, tips, and news of American school lunch from internet. but, I'm still wondering... Has anything really changed in your home?
I mean, Have you ever taught your kids to respect food on dish in your home before 'Tell Congress'?

You believe that the main cause of food issue is Big company or Politics or Money.
Is that reason why you are not be able to make a change that much in your home?
It might be right. but I think it is not all reason.

I know this is not my business. I'm in Japan now. and I don't have children. I understand this is totally uninvited advice.
but, Please know, I used to working as an Nanny in the USA, and I still can't understand why so many american kids can be so picky?
Many of them don't like real food very much. and They frankly to say 'Yucky!','Ewww','Gross' or 'I hate it!'. then Parents says 'You don't have to eat. Just leave them.' What is that attitude???
Throwing away tons of food, paper cup and plastic plates at party every weekends. How come you are OK with doing that?
Waste something is making you happy??
I think those attitude led to bad food issue.

My grand father used to tell me 'Do not waste even a grain of rice.' He usually very calm and soft person, but he never let me waste food.
Just because, Farmers are working super hard to grow food, and its supposed to be rewarded.
I think that Old Japanese people has sense of wastefulness regarding  throwing food away. So do I!
We should thank for people who made your food, die for you, cook for you. etc.. and shouldn't waste their work which makes your life better.

So, Why don't you tell your kids  'Thank for the Food.'or 'Respect for the food' or 'Do not waste any food' today in your home?

Thank you for reading this article! and Sorry for my poor English..





Hallooween Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll かぼちゃのシナモンロール

Readers!! Thank you for waiting my recipe!!!
Here's Hallooween Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll for you!

Look at this! 
It's not too sugary, not too fatty. (I don't want to get fat anymore..) but , yeah, I think it's so yum!
and, if your kids doesn't enjoy vegetables, try this! They believes veggies are not fun things.
Is it true?
No, It's not true.
Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll could be a good chance to start eating vegetables for your kids.

*Ingredients* 8 rolls             1cup=250cc
100cc (1/3 cup and 2 tsp)Milk  (body temperatre)
1 Egg (medium size)
2 tbsp brown sugar
2/3 tsp salt
250g (about 2 cup) bread flour
50g (3 tbsp and 2 tsp) softened margarine
1 tsp dry yeast

   :Pumpkin Filling:
200g (7 oz) Peeled Pumpkin
2 tbsp brown sugar
100 cc (1/3 cup and 2 tsp) heavy cream

   :Cinnamon Sugar:
1/2 tsp Cinnamon powder
1 tbsp brown sugar

8 tbsp Powdered sugar
1 tbsp Milk

Place the cookie sheet on baking pan.
Blend Cinnamon sugar ingredients.

1. Put all dough ingredients in the bread machine, and select dough cycle. Push start.

2. During First fermentation, Let's start make a filling! peel pumpkin, Cut into a small pieces, then microwave until cooked. Add sugar. mash cooked pumpkin and mix well. when it cool, Add heavy cream and combine well.
(Adjust taste and texture if needed.)

3. When your dough First fermentation is done, Punch down! then, Roll it into rectangle shape with a roll pins. Sprinkle cinnamon sugar. 
Tips:Roll dough on a parchment paper.

4. Spread pumpkin filling evenly. Roll up dough and cut into 8 rolls.

Roll up!
5. Place Cinnamon rolls on a baking pan. Cover loosely with clean well-wrung cloth. Let rise (second fermentation) in warm place until double in size. (about 30 to 60 minutes.) Preheat oven to 360F.
hello! snail!

6. Bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. while baking, mix well icing ingredients, and when cinnamon roll is baked, Dribble frosting on warm rolls!







   : 生地 :
卵(Mサイズ) 1個
三温糖 大さじ2
塩 小さじ2/3
強力粉 250g
マーガリン(室温) 50g
ドライイースト 小さじ1

   : シナモンシュガー :
シナモン 小さじ1/2
三温糖 大さじ1

   : フィリング :
皮をむいたかぼちゃ 200g
三温糖 大さじ2
生クリーム 100cc

   : アイシング :
粉糖 大さじ8
牛乳 大さじ1


1. HBに生地の材料を全ていれ、一次発酵まですませる。

2. その間にかぼちゃの皮をむき、一口大に切ってレンジで火を通し、砂糖を加えてつぶし、あら熱が取れたら生クリームを加えて混ぜる。(かぼちゃの甘みや水分はそれぞれ違うので、味見をしながら加減して下さい。)

3. 生地の一次発酵が終わったら、パンチしてガス抜きをする。少しべたつく生地なので、クッキングシートの上に生地をだし、もう一枚クッキングシートを生地の上に重ねてから綿棒で伸ばすとやりやすい。伸ばした生地の上にシナモンシュガーをまんべんなくふりかける。

4. かぼちゃのフィリングをその上に塗り広げ、ぐるぐるるっと巻く。

5. 8等分に切り分け、天板の上に並べ、しっかり絞った清潔な布巾をかけて2倍くらいの大きさになるまで約30分程二次発酵。(うちのオーブンには発酵機能がついていないので、大きいお鍋に熱めのお湯をはり、その上に天板ごと置いて下からあたためて発酵させています。) オーブンを180度に予熱。

6. 予熱しておいたオーブンで約15分〜20分焼く。

7. 焼いている間に、アイシングの材料を混ぜておき、焼け上がったら温かいうちにアイシングをかける。




Chicken Steamed Bun 鶏の八角煮まん

Hi there!
Did you enjoy NIKUMAN recipe what I have posted earlier?? Hope so!
Today I want to share the other Chinese steamed Buns recipe.

and, I think this is much easier than NIKUMAN, since it's no need to put a meat filling in a dough.
It's looks like a Hot-Dog or or a Sandwich!

Anyways, here is the recipe for you!

: 1 cup= 250 ml

 Chicken Steamed Bun  - 6 servings
See Homemade Chinese steamed Bun recipe.
Oil as you need

  (Braised Chicken)
1/4 cup Soy sauce
1/4 cup water
1/4 SAKE
2 tbsp Sugar
1/8 Star anise
Don't use whole star anise! it's strong! 

Green part of Japanese Leek  or Green part of Long leek
 Leek(Green part) and Ginger
2 slices Ginger
250g(about 9 oz) Boneless Chicken Thighs

1/2  Cucumber
1/4  Japanese Leek
Mayonnnaise to taste
Mustard to taste

1. If your Chicken too thick, cut chicken flat with a knife.

2. During First fermentation, Let's cook Braised Chicken! In a pot, put all ingredients except Chicken Thighs, and put a pot over the heat. When the pot comes to a boil, add Chicken. Cook on medium heat for 20 minutes. Cover and stay.

3. Cut Cucumber into fine strips. Leek too.

4. when your dough First fermentation is done, Punch down! Divide into 6 equal size and Roll it into ball shape. Cover loosely with clees well-wrung cloth. Bring water to boil and set a steamer.

5. Roll each dough into a oval shape with a roll pins. Spread oil on dough and Fold double. then put each of them on Wax paper.

6. When steam starts to rise from a steamer. turn down the heat. (Don't burn!! Steamer is hot!!!) Place bun on steamer tray leaving about 2 inch between each buns. Put on the steamer lid. Turn the flame up to high, Steam for 12 to 15 minutes. (Or, If you prefer to not use a steamer, it would be 8 to 10 minutes.)

7. When Buns are cooked, Cut chicken into 6 pieces. Put a Chicken, cucumber, Leek, mayo and mustard to taste!

I'm drooling!



*鶏の八角煮まん* 6個分

濃い口醤油 60 ml
水 60 ml
料理酒 60 ml
砂糖 大さじ2
八角 一片

長ネギ 青いとこ
生姜のスライス 2枚
鶏もも肉 250g

キュウリ 1/2本
マヨネーズ 適量
マスタード 適量

1. 鶏肉が分厚い場合は、平らになるように包丁を入れておく。

2. 中華まんの生地の一次発酵をしている合間に、鶏肉を除く全ての鶏の八角煮の材料を鍋に入れて火にかけ、煮立ったら鶏肉を加え蓋をして中火で20分程煮る。火を止めて蓋をしたまま置いておく。

3. トッピングのキュウリを千切りにする。長ネギで白髪ネギを作る。

4. 生地の発酵がすんだら、パンチをし、6等分し丸める。乾かないように濡れ布巾をかぶせておく。蒸し器の準備をする。

5. 生地を綿棒で伸ばし楕円形にする。表面にサラダ油(分量外)を適量塗る。二つ折りにし、クッキングシートの上にのせておく。

6. 蒸し器から湯気が立ち出したら、生地を10~12分程蒸す。(蒸し器を使わない場合は8分~10分くらいで蒸せます。)

7. 中華まんの生地が蒸し上がったら、鶏の八角煮を1/6に切ったもの、キュウリ、白髪ネギ、マヨネーズ、マスタードを挟む。



How to meke Chinese Steamed Buns without a steamer! 蒸し器を使わずに中華まんを作る方法

Are you looking for a way to cook Chinese steamed buns without a steamer?
Here you are! Welcome to my blog!

When I was in the US, I've never seen people who has a steamer in their kitchen.
I guess some Asian country use steamer, but not that much in other countries.
You can buy them on Amazon. but you don't have to.

I have tried to using a skillet last week, but it ended up turns yellow and I think it's a little bit soggy... hmm..
I added water and cover a skillet like when I cook Gyoza dumpling.
It wasn't too bad though...

So, I have tried other way. and I think it's great!! Check the below!

1. Need a bigger deeper pot. Place a dish on bottom. Add water.

2. Put a plate. Put a pot over the heat.

3. When water starts boiling, Place your buns on a plate. Cover the pot with a lid and Steam over a medium heat.
Can you see? it's Fluffy and so Soft!

Nice? You can steam anything you want!


1. なるべく大きいお鍋を用意。浅めのお皿を鍋の中に置いて、水を入れます。
2. 平たいお皿をその上におき、水に浸からないようにします。鍋を火にかけます。
3. お湯が沸騰したら、中華まんをお皿の上におき、蓋をして中火で蒸します。




Homemade NIKUMAN (Chinese Steamed Bun with a filling of pork) おうちで肉まん

I made NIKUMAN(Steamed Bun with a filling of pork meat )!

I knew Nikuman is delicious, that's why I made them. But I didn't expect to succeed sooooo well!!!
Am I genius? Am I born to cook NIKUMAN?
Haha! I'm joking!

In Japan, We can buy Nikuman at grocery or at CVS.
I was curious to know how does homemade  one work. Is it difficult to cook? Is it yummy?
Now, I can tell you that Homemade Nikuman is worth to cook at home! it's so delicious, nice and soft!
Ok. Let's cook them!

:note : 1 cup=250ml

*Ingredients*NIKUMAN (Chinese-Steamed Bun)
8 serving    

125ml (1/2 cup) Milk
1 tbsp Salad Oil
1/4 tsp salt
250g (2cup) all-purpose flour
3 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Dry yeast
1 tsp Baking powder

      (meat filling)
170g (6 oz) Ground Pork
3 SHITAKE mushroom
1 Japanese Leek
Use soft white part. 

1/2 tbspGrated Ginger Root

1/2 tsp Sesame oil
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tbsp Soy sauce
1/2 tsp Sugar
1/2 tbsp MIRIN(Sweet Sake)
pepper to taste

Cut Wax paper into 4 inch × 4 inch square.
Warm milk to body temperature.

1.Mix all Dough ingredients in a bowl. Knead for about 10 minutes. Cover a bowl with Plastic wrap and let rise in warm place until double in size. (about 30 to 60 minutes.)


2. Let's make a filling next! Mince Leek and SHITAKE mushroom. In a bowl, Combine all Filling ingredients together. Keep in refrigerator.
minced Leek
you can use food processor.
mix well till sticky.
3. Punch down dough! Divide it into 8 equal size and Roll it into ball shape. Cover loosely with clean well-wrung cloth. Bring water to boil and Set a Steamer.

4. Roll each dough into circle shape with roll pins. place 1/8 of filling mixture on a dough and wrap. then put each of them on Wax paper.

pinch with your fingers tightly. if not, it could open.
Practice makes perfect!

5. When steam starts to rise from steamer, turn down the heat. (Don't burn!! Steamer is hot!!!) Place bun on steamer tray leaving about 2 inch between each buns. Put on the steamer lid. Turn the flame up to high, Steam for 12 to 15 minutes.
Again, Be careful!

Enjoy! it's very tasty!





牛乳(人肌に温めたもの) 125ml
サラダオイル 大さじ1
塩 小さじ1/4

強力粉 125g
薄力粉 125g
グラニュー糖 大さじ3
ドライイースト 小さじ1
BP 小さじ1

豚ひき肉 170g
椎茸 3こ
長ネギ(青い固い部分は使わない) 1本
ショウガ(すりおろしたもの) 大さじ1/2
ごま油 小さじ1/2
塩  小さじ1/2
醤油 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1/2
みりん  大さじ1/2
胡椒 少々

1. ボウルに、生地の材料を全て入れて10分くらい捏ねる。まとめて、ラップをして暖かいところで30分~1時間程発酵させる。

2. 生地を発酵させてる間に具を作る。長ネギ、椎茸をみじん切りにし、具の材料全てをねっとりしてくるまでよく手で混ぜる。

3. 生地が2倍程度に膨らんだら、パンチをしてガス抜きをし、8等分し丸める。乾かないように、濡れ布巾をかぶせておく。このへんで、蒸し器を沸かし始める。

4. 生地を綿棒で伸ばす。中央は分厚く端っこは薄くなるように伸ばし、具の1/8量を真ん中にのせて包む。蒸している途中にパカっと開いてしまうので、しっかり包んで閉じる。クッキーングシートの上にのせておく。

5. 蒸し器の蒸気が立ちだしたら肉まん同士の間隔をあけて肉まんをおき、強火で約12~15分蒸す。





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