

Peanut Butter & Chocolate Muffin

Thank you for visiting my blog!
I've been working so busy for my small american style bake shop.
I'm so happy to know that Japanese people actually loves American style foods more than I expected.

As you know, American people really really love Peanut Butter.
I wasn't a big fan of the Peanut Butter. But, after I spent a few years in the US, I became a PB person.
I think this Peanut Butter & Chocolate Muffin is my best ever Muffin. I think.

*Ingredients* 10 Muffins
1 Egg
140g granulated sugar
50g unsalted butter
80g Peanut Butter
35g Chocolate Chip

A: Dry Ingredients
175g all purpose flour
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Baking Powder

B: Liquid Ingredients
120 ml milk
1 tbsp white vinegar 

Shifted all A dry ingredients.
Preheat oven to (175C)350F.
Put muffin cup on muffin Pan.
Butter and egg and PB and milk must be in room temperature.
 B together. set aside.
1.  In a bowl, Beat the butter and sugar with a electric mixer until fluffy. add peanut butter and mix.

2. Add beaten egg a half at a time and mix well.
3. Fold a half of into butter mixture with a spatura. add a half of B into mixture. add A, add B. then, add Chocolate chip.(Take small amount of chocolate chop for topping, if you like.)

pour the batter into the pan, Lift and drop the pan on the counter to pop the air bubbles.( sprinkle the rest of chocolate chip. )Bake for 18 minutes. or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
They are very fluffy, soft, smells so nice, and yaaay! Yummy!
I tasted a small one. oh, no! I wanted to eat all of them!

I know I should sell them for my bake shop, but It's difficult to reject temptation. because smells so peanuts butter! ahh! 
so, I ate some a few of them.
smells so nice!

If you plan to bring them for potluck or party, you be careful with peanut butter temptation!




無塩バター 50g
ピーナツバター 80g
卵 1個
グラニュー糖 140g
チョコチップ 35g

A: 粉類
中力粉 175g
ベーキングパウダー 小さじ1/2
タンサン 小さじ1/2

B: 液体
牛乳 120ml
酢 大さじ1



1. バターをボウルに入れ、電動ミキサーで白っぽくなるまでしっかり混ぜます。ピーナツバターと砂糖を加えてさらに混ぜます。
2. ここに、溶いた卵を加え混ぜます。
3. ヘラに持ちかえて、半量のAを加えさっくり混ぜます。Bの半量を加え混ぜます。で、またAを混ぜ、Bを混ぜます。チョコチップを混ぜ込みます。(少しだけよけておいて、上に散らすのもいいと思います。)
4. 生地を型に流し込み、トントンと空気抜きをしたら、175℃で18分程焼きます。竹串をさしてまだ焼けてないようならもう少し焼きます。




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