

TONJIRU (Pork Miso Soup)

Have you ever watched SHINYA SHOKUDO (Midnight Diner)? It's a Japanese Drama series. The story is about a small midnight diner in Tokyo and the stories of the customers.
I'm a big fan of that drama!

Last year, I was pregnant and have had bad morning sickness... I couldn't eat anything but cracker or orange juice.
It was a hard time for me. I lost my weight about 17lb for about 1 month.
I spent almost all the time in the bed. But, when I wasn't feeling so bad, I lay down on the sofa in living room and watched SHINYA SHOKUDO with my husband.

Shinya Shokudo has only one menu, TONJIRU! But If a customer willing to order something else, the master would cook as much as possible.

After I watched this Drama, I feel I would like to eat TONJIRU.
That  time, it was still early summer. TONJIRU is a winter soup though, my husband cooked it. And It was delicious!!!
So, This year, I cook TONJIRU many times already for my husband and my baby. Both of them loves TONJIRU. It's warm and nice Japanese comfort food.
I hope you like it too.

**Ingredients** 4 to 6 servings
1000ml (about 4 US cup)
1 tsp salad oil
150g (1/3 lb) sliced pork belly
1/2 gobo (burdock root)
1/2 carrot
2 inch daikon
2 satoimo (baby taro)
1 small sweet potato
1/2 leak
2 Shitake
1/3 block konnyaku (konjac)
1/2 block tofu
1 tsp grated ginger
2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp MIRIN
4 and 1/2 tbsp MISO
2 tsp sesame oil

1. Cut pork into bite-sized pieces.
2. Peel the Daikon and Carrot. Cut into quarter rounds.
3. Remove dirt from the burdock, Make a lengthwise  cross shape incision. Cut it with a knife as if you were sharpening pencil. Soak it in water about 5 minutes. Then rinse and drain the burdock.

4. Tear the block of konnyaku with your hands.

5. Slice Shitake.
6. Peel Satoimo and sweet potato. Cut into bite-size.
7. Slice leek.
8. Heat the salad oil in a large pot,  and fry the pork.
9. When the pork is cooked, Add the all vegetables and konnyaku. Stir together.

10. Pour water into a large pot.
11. When it starts to a boil, skim off the scum.

12. Tear the block of tofu with your hands, And add them.
13. Simmer until the vegetables are tender.
14. Dissolve the miso into the stock. And, Add soy sauce, MIRIN , sesame oil and grated ginger.

Ready to eat!!


nutella banana shibuya honey toast ヌテラとバナナのハニトー




**材料** 2〜3人分
食パン 半斤分
バナナ 1/2本
バター 大さじ2
はちみつ 大さじ2
ヌテラ 中に塗る分 大さじ2
                外に飾る分 大さじ1
チョコレートアイス 適量
バニラアイス 適量


2. 食パンを全部トースターで焼きます。高さがあって上部が焦げやすいので、焦げそうならばアルミホイルをかけてください。
3. 焼けたら、適当にはちみつを垂らしながらパンの中身を元に戻す。真ん中あたりにヌテラを仕込んでおくと、食べる時にとろーっと出てきていい感じに。
4. パンを全部入れたら、チョコアイスとバニラアイスをのせて、バナナをトッピング。最後にヌテラをたらーっと垂らす。あったかいうちにどうぞ!



Something special for the holiday breakfast or dessert?
Shibuya Honey Toast is very easy and delicious!

**Ingredients**  2 to 3 servings
3 inch square loaf of white sandwich bread
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp nutella for inside
1 tbsp for the topping
1 scoop vanilla ice cream
1 scoop chocolate ice cream
1/2 sliced banana

1. Preheat oven to 360F.
2. Cut out a square of the inside bread. And gently pull the square out of the inside.
3. Cut the inner part of the bread into bite-sized cubes. And spread butter inside of the molds and cubes.
4. Toast the breads till golden brown.
5. Fill the cubes and honey and 2 tbsp nutella.
6. Top with ice cream, sliced banana and drizzle with 1 tbsp nutella.

Whipped cream for topping? And frozen berries? Just go for it!


nutella Babka ヌテラのバブカ





**材料** (18cmのパウンド型で二台分)
牛乳(人肌) 70g
卵 (室温)Mサイズ1個
ドライイースト 小さじ1
強力粉 150g
薄力粉 150g
グラニュー糖 50g
バニラエッセンス 適量
塩 ひとつまみ
有塩バター 50g

ヌテラ(室温) 大さじ6

グラニュー糖 大さじ2
オレンジマーマレード 大さじ2
お湯 40g

1. ホームベーカリーに<パン生地>の材料を全て入れ、一次発酵まで済ませます。
2. <シロップ>の材料を混ぜ合わせ、砂糖を溶かしておきます。
3. パン生地を二等分し、丸めてから綿棒で長方形に伸ばします。まな板位の大きさに伸ばしたら、ヌテラを塗ります。

 4. 長方形の短い辺の方からくるくるっと巻いていきます。


6. パウンド型に入れて、ラップか濡れたふきんなどをかけて、二倍の大きさになるまで二次発酵させます。(私は暖かめの部屋で約1時間半ほどかかりました。冬なので。)


7. 二次発酵中に175度でオーブンを予熱しておきます。二次発酵が済んだら、175度のオーブンで約25分焼きます。途中、上部が焦げそうなら、アルミホイルをかぶせます。

8. 焼けたらシロップをはけで塗ります。

9. 冷えたら型から外し、カットして召し上がれ!





ホームベーカリーでChallah Bread




*材料* 1本分
ぬるま湯  120ml
ドライイースト 4g
砂糖 40g
サラダ油または太白ゴマ油  60ml
卵(常温) 1個
強力粉 250g
塩 4g

溶き卵 適量
ごま、またはケシの実 適量

1. 材料をHBに全て入れ、一次発酵まで終わらせる。HBがない場合:15分から20分くらい、ボウルの中でひとまとまりになるまで捏ね、ふわっとラップをかけ少し暖かいところで約30分程度、二倍のサイズに膨れるまで発酵させます。生地をパンチし、ガスを抜く。
2. 生地を取り出して、五つ編みにする場合は5等分にします。(打ち粉をたっぷりふった方が扱いやすいです。)
3. 一つ一つを、30cm~40cmくらいの棒状に伸ばします。
4. 五つ編みにします。(動画の2分10秒あたりからが五つ編みです。)ギュっと編んだ方が、焼いた時に綺麗に編み目が出ます。

5. 二次発酵。ぎゅっと絞った清潔な布きんなどをかぶせ、約40分から50分ほどおきます。二倍位に膨らんでいたらOK。
6. 表面に卵黄を塗り、ゴマかケシの実をふって、180度で約20分焼きます。




簡単!Smoothie Bowl!

少し前からinstagramで見かけて気になっていたSmothie Bowlを作ってみました!




*材料* 1~2人前
熟れたバナナ 1本
きな粉 小さじ1
冷凍のベリー 大さじ1
オレンジ 1/2玉
ヨーグルト 大さじ2

バナナ 1/3本

1. スムージーボウルの材料を全てミキサーかブレンダーにかける。
2. 飾り用のフルーツやグラノーラを飾り付けて出来上がり。



NASU SOMEN (Simmered Eggplant and SOMEN noodle)

Last week, when I was watching TV show, I saw somebody was cooking NASU SOMEN.
It was a food program which is showing Japanese local food.
I called out my husband.
'It's NASU SOMEN!!! It's from my hometown KAGAWA!'
That recipe looks like a bit different from my home recipe. But, I really miss it.
Next day, I just cooked NASU SOMEN by my recipe.

NASU SOMEN is NASU NO NIMONO (Simmered Eggplant) put on the SOMEN Noodle.
In my hometown KAGAWA, We cook this  with '三豊なす' MITOYO Eggplant which is a Local vegetable in KAGAWA. MITOYO Eggplant is 3 or 4 times larger than general Eggplant,  and that fruit is soft, juicy and sweet. It's good to bake, grill, fry (TENPURA!), simmer, stir-fry and pickles.
I used to eat MITOYO Eggplant often during  summer!!!

Fortunately, my father sent me MITOYO Eggplant to us !  And tons of other local vegetables.
So, I cooked NASU SOMEN with MITOYO Eggplant! Lucky me!!!

Anyway, You can also eat this Simmered Eggplant with rice instead of SOMEN noodle. It's good too!

**Ingredients** 2 servings

---for Simmered Eggplant---
3 eggplant (about 300g) , if you find MITOYO Eggplant, use 1 eggplant
100ml (about 3.4oz)  water
3 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp MIRIN
3 tbsp sesame oil
1 piece ABURA-AGE  (fried TOFU)

---for SOMEN noodle---
4 bundles SOMEN noodle

---for MENTSUYU sauce---
100ml (about 3.4oz)water
2 inch × 2 inch KONBU
1 tbsp and 2 tsp soy sauce
1 tbsp and 2 tsp MIRIN

---for topping---
2 tsp chopped green onion
1 tsp grated ginger
Chili pepper only if you like


1. To make MENTSUYU, Put all ingredients in a pot. Boil it and Turn off the heat. Take KONBU out.

2. Cut the stem off from eggplant, cut in half lengthwise. (if it's big, cut the eggplant in quarter.) Make shallow cut in vertical. Soak the eggplants in water.

3. Cut ABURA-AGE into 2 inch length rectangles.

4. Put sesame oil in a medium pot, and warm the oil over low heat. Add IRIKO and cook, stirring constantly, until just fragrant.

5. Dry the eggplants with a paper towel. Then, Add the Eggplant. Increase the heat to medium. Stir-fry the eggplant until it covered with oil.

6. Add the water, soy sauce, sugar and MIRIN and ABURA-AGE. Simmer with the lid for about 15 minutes until eggplants are tender.

7. Boil SOMEN in a large pot of water for 2 minutes. (Stirring constantly to keep the noodles separated.)Drain the noodles in a colander and cool under cold water.Drain well.

8. Place SOMEN and MENTSUYU in a bowl, and pour the simmered eggplant and sauce. Garnish Green onion, grated ginger and chili pepper.

NIBOSHI (Dried Sardines)

You can eat this warm or cold. I usually cook this and keep the Simmered eggplant in the refrigerator. And eat it next day.



英語のレシピで作ってみよう! その1 レシピ検索




例えばバナナブレッドが気になる場合「Banana Bread」で検索する。


読み応え抜群Bon Appetit
コミュニティのQ&Aコーナーが好き! Food52
全体がシンプルでシックな印象。でもめちゃくちゃセンスがいい。 Donna Hay
NYの小さなキッチン発おしゃれだわーsmitten kitchen
写真もとっても綺麗 Spoon Fork Bacon
アーティストちっくなお料理が得意Cafe Fernando
おしゃれなインテリアサイトApartment Therapyの姉妹サイトとしてスタート。キッチンの収納術や旅行コラムなども面白い。The Kitchn

いかにもアメリカンなお菓子たちBake or Break
デコレーションのアイデアが新しいi am baker
可愛いお菓子がいっぱい! Sally's Baking Adddiction




MATCHA Espresso Granita

It's been a hot day in these days!
I'm living near by Tokyo, Kanto area. The weather report says the rainy season is over this week in Kanto.
So, It's officially Hot Summer has come!!!

I wanted to make Homemade MATCHA Popsicle at first, but I slightly changed my mind to make Homemade Granita.

It's pretty easy. Only 3 ingredients you need. MATCHA powder and Sugar!and Milk if you like.)
I tested to cook MATCHA Latte Granita. Then I tried MATCHA Espresso Granita.
Both are very very good. Latte one is mild, milky. Espresso one is felt more MATCHA bitter. It would be taste fit for adults.

I prefer Latte to Espresso. But when I put vanilla ice cream on Espresso one, Hmmm It's good too!
MATCHA Espresso Granita
Cool down with perfect cool dessert!

MATCHA Latte Granita! 
2 tsp MATCHA powder
2 tbsp sugar
200m (about 7oz) water (if you like to make a latte, 100ml water and 100ml milk)


1. In a small bowl, sift MATCHA powder and Slowly whisk in small amount of boiling water, then Add sugar and water. Strain into a container.

2. Freeze for 2 hours and then mix well, breaking up the crystals around the edge of the container and mixing them toward the center. Freeze for 1 hours and mix again.

3. Scratch up the granita with a fork and serve in small glasses. If it gets too hard, leave it out at room temperature for a few minutes to soften a little before serving.

4. Vanilla Ice cream or Condenced Milk is always welcome on the top!

note: If you use a baking dishit will freeze quicker.


抹茶パウダー 小さじ2
砂糖 大さじ2
水 200ml (ラテにする場合は水100mlと牛乳100mlで)

1. お抹茶パウダーを少量のお湯で溶かし、砂糖を加え、分量のお水を加えてよく混ぜます。
2. 茶漉しで漉して、タッパーなどに入れて冷凍庫で2時間ほど凍らせます。
3. 途中まで凍っているところを混ぜて、また1時間ほど凍らせます。
4. フォークでザクザクっと掘って混ぜ、器に盛りつけます。お好みで、バニラアイスや練乳をかけると一段と美味しいです。




NIKUJAGA (Meat and Potato Stew)

NIKUJAGA is one of the popular comfortable food in Japan. 
Japanese Mom doesn't even follow the recipe, because they know how that taste like. And just cook NIKUJAGA without the recipe. So, that's the NIKUJAGA should be.
It means NIKUJAGA is very easy and simple. Once you know how to cook.
And, If you ask to Japanese men, 'What do you want your girlfriend to cook for you?' They will answer 'NIKUJAGA!' So,  He could know what the type of girl she is and she would be.
It is definitely a very popular family-favorite food!

**Ingredients** 4-6 servings
150g (5.3oz) Sliced Beef
4 potato
1/2 carrot
1 onion
8 green beans
150g SHIRATAKI noodles
2 tbsp salad oil
400ml (about 13 and 1/3oz) DASHI
5 tbsp soy sauce 
4 tbsp sugar 
3 tbsp MIRIN 

1. To prepare the SHIRATAKI, Rinse and drain well. And Boil for 3 minutes, drain and cut into easy to eat length. Set aside.

2. Cut Potato into 4-6 pieces and soak in a water. Cut carrots in rolling edges. Cut Onion into 1 cm slices. Cut Green beans into 5cm. And Cut Beef into about 5cm.

3. In a Large Pot, Stir-fry the beef with salad oil until no longer red. Add Potato, Carrot, Onion and Stir-fry until translucent at the potato edges.

4. Add the DASHI soup stock. Bring to a boil over low-medium heat. Skim off any foamy scum. Add Soy sauce, Sugar, MIRIN. Simmer for about 15 minutes until vegetables are tender.

5. Add SHIRATAKI and Green beans. Simmer for about 5 minutes.

6. Now, It's ready to be served!! 

Also, You can make NIKUJAGA with sliced Pork! I like Pork NIKUJAGA as well.
And Just let you know, NIKUJAGA tastes better the next day too!

Japanese White Bread 'SHOKUPAN' with Bread Machine

I make Japanese White Bread SHOKUPAN (食パン)  once in a week.

Just put all ingredients in the machine. And wait for a few hours. You can just read a book or do internet while baking. No fuss at all.
I'm sure when it start smell of baking bread make you very happy!!!

  **Ingredients** 15 slices
150g       whole milk (room temperature)
100g       water
400g       bread flour
30g         butter
3 tbsp     sugar
1 and 1/2 tsp    salt
1 and 1/2 tsp    dry yeast

1. Place all ingredients in order suggested by your manufacturer.
2. Bake on White Bread setting. Cool on wire rack before slicing.


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