

Rice ball! OMUSUBI

They are Sumou wresler OMUSUBI who named KOMUSUBI CHAN!
Isn't it pretty?
I just love it!
OMUSUBI is Japanese soul food. yap!

Cooked rice, add salt ,then use plastic wrap and make a rice ball!
cut the sea weed, decorate a riceball.




Tonkatsu (Deep fried pork cutret)

Tonkatsu is very popular food for all Japanese.
Actually, It's easy to cook this.
Also,the Pork is nutritious!of corse, it is rich in great protein. 
a treasure-house of vitamin B1 and it is full of an essential amino acid! 

(2 servings)

2 slices pork loin - about 1 lb

salt - a pinch
pepper - a pinch
flour - proper quantity
egg - 1 
bread crumbs (called 'PANKO')- proper quantity
salada oil - for deep frying

1. cut of a string of pork.

2. sprinkle with a little salt and pepper on both side of the pork.rub it little bit. keep this about 10 minutes in refrigerator.

3. Dredge the pork in flour.
4. Dip pork into beaten egg.
5. Dredge the pork in bread crumbs tightly.
6. Deep fry the porl in the oil which preheated 350F. When the pork turn light brown, take out it from oil.

7. Cut meat into bite-size pieces!

Dip it into sause and enjoy it!!!

*You can find 'TONKATSU sauce' in a asian food section of grocery store. Also,stake sauce or ponzu are good with TONKATSU!


豚ロース - 2切れ(約450g)
塩 - 少々
こしょう - 少々
小麦粉 - 適量
卵 - 1個
パン粉 - 適量
サラダ油 - 適量

  1. 豚肉を叩き筋を切ります。
  2. 豚肉の両面に塩こしょう少々し、揉み込みます。冷蔵庫で約10分程寝かせます。
  3. 小麦粉をまぶします。
  4. 溶き卵につけます。
  5. パン粉をまぶし、ぎゅぎゅっと押すようにします。
  6. 175度に予熱しておいた油で揚げます。黄金色になれば取り出します。
  7. 一口サイズに切って出来上がり。


  1. Tonkatsu


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